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Selasa, 19 Juli 2011



Here are strategies you can use to quit smoking:
Strategies to Stop Smoking
Here are strategies you can use to quit smoking:
1. Plan time to stop
Plan when you will quit smoking for good. The time may be the next few days or 2 weeks. Towards the day to quit smoking, you reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day.
2. Drugs
Drugs help reduce the symptoms of quitting until the worst effects exceeded. You have the option of taking either by prescription or over-the-counter (without prescription). Discuss these options with your doctor.
3. Help yourself
In planning and maintaining your desire to quit smoking, find information about smoking and disease arising from various reliable sources such as the American Cancer Society, American Lung Association, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the local sites such as Indonesia Cancer Foundation, Heart Foundation Indonesia, the Committee National Smoking Control Problems.
4. Support groups
Whether you meet online or a support group. Seek support from people who are also trying to quit smoking.
5. Counseling
Counselling is face to face meetings with a trusted physician, psychologist, nurse or counselor. The forum will discuss what are the things that hinder you to quit smoking and ways to overcome them.
6. Cold turkey
Is a strategy to stop smoking immediately. If you choose cold turkey then you will experience symptoms of tobacco withdrawal symptoms, like all people who quit smoking as impatient (restlessness), increased appetite, irritability. It is recommended that you seek help when you quit smoking, either support or treatment.
7. Sport
Exercise will help you cope with stress and weight increase after you quit smoking.
8. Invite a Friend / Family
Ask a friend or family member who does not smoke to provide their time if you are experiencing difficult times.
9. Alternative therapies
Some smokers try hypnosis or acupuncture methods to help them quit smoking, although not much is proven successful. However, when the method is to make you stop smoking, it means that the method is suitable to you.

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