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Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

Dalam 15 Menit, Pencuri Gondol Sketsa Rembrandt Senilai Rp 2,1 M

California - Pencuri berhasil menggondol sebuah sktesa 'The Judgement' karya maestro lukis asal Belanda, Rembrandt Van Rijn. Pencurian tersebut dilakukan pada pameran mingguan di Hotel Ritz Carlton, California, AS. Aksi tersebut hanya dilakukan dalam waktu sekejap, 15 menit!

Peristiwa tersebut terjadi Minggu (14/8/2011) waktu setempat. Menurut petugas kepolisian, aksi tersebut dilakukan terencana karena berlangsung kurang dari 15 menit.

Kronologis sementara menyatakan, seorang kurator sedang memeriksa lukisan tersebut. Saat keluar sebentar, ia kembali dan menemukan lukisan tersebut telah lenyap.

"Saat ia kembali, gambar tersebut lenyap. Kurang dari 15 menit. Kami percaya ada lebih dari satu orang yang terlibat," Steve Whitmore petugas kepolisian dari Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office, seperti dikutip kantor berita Reuters.

Sketsa senilai US$ 250.000 atau Rp 2,15 miliar (kurs Rp 8.600) tersebut merupakan bagian dari pameran mingguan yang diselenggarakan oleh Institut Linearis. Saat ini, kepolisian setempat menyatakan sudah mengidentifikasi pencuri dan melakukan pengejaran.

"Kami percaya ini direncanakan dengan baik dan juga dieksekusi. Penyidik memiliki beberapa bukti yang mengarah kuat," tandas Whitemore.

Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (15 Juli 1606 – 4 Oktober 1669) merupakan salah satu pelukis terbesar dalam sejarah seni Eropa. Rembrandt dikenal dengan keahliannya memanipulasi ekspos cahaya terhadap objek sehingga memberikan efek tertentu di dalam lukisan.

Secara keseluruhan, Rembrandt telah menghasilkan 600 lukisan, 300 sketsa, dan 2000 gambar. Kebanyakan berupa self potrait, yang memberikan gambaran sangat jelas mengenai Rembrandt yang sebenarnya, baik dari segi emosi maupun penampilan.

Beberapa anggota keluarganya, seperti istrinya Saskia, anaknya Titus, dan istri mudanya Hendrickje juga sering tampil di beberapa bagian lukisan, yang kebanyakan bertema mitologi, biblikal, atau rekaman sejarah.

Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

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Kerjasama PT. Asuransi Sinar Mas dengan PT. Global Teleshop

Selasa, 12 Juli 2011 lalu bertempat di Ballroom Lt. 9 Plaza Simas, PT Asuransi Sinar Mas dan PT. Global Teleshop mengadakan Sosialisasi Program Global Plus. Global Plus merupakan program kerjasama PT. Asuransi Sinar Mas dengan PT. Global Teleshop, yang memberikan perlindungan ganti rugi terhadap ponsel yang dibeli di Global Teleshop sehubungan dengan kerusakan yang terjadi, dengan syarat kerusakan yang terjadi adalah sebagai akibat dari ketidaksengajaan seperti terjatuh, terlindas, terbentur, tercelup atau jatuh ke air dan tindakan tidak sengaja lainnya yang tiba-tiba dan tidak terduga.

Sosialisasi Program Global Plus yang dihadiri oleh 120 orang Sales dan Promotion staff dari outlet Global Teleshop ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi mengenai program Global Plus. Peserta sosialisasi nantinya diharapkan dapat memberikan penjelasan yang tepat serta pelayanan yang baik terkait dengan program Global Plus ini kepada seluruh pelanggan Global Teleshop.

Acara dibuka dengan sambutan dari Bpk. I Ketut P. Swastika selaku Direktur Asuransi Sinar Mas, diikuti dengan presentasi dari Asuransi Sinar Mas oleh Bpk. Teguh A. Djana dan Bpk. Bambang S. Gunawan mengenai objek pertanggungan, manfaat dan periode jaminan, bagaimana cara mendaftar dan prosedur pengajuan klaim jika memang terjadi kerusakan terhadap hal-hal yang dijamin dalam program Global Plus. Pada akhir presentasi diadakan sesi role play yang dipimpin oleh Bpk. Christian Tjahjono diikuti dengan kata-kata penutup dan motivasi dari Bpk. Andri Setiadi selaku Retail Manager Global Teleshop kepada para peserta.

Mesothelioma Symptoms

The Mesothelioma Resource Online has created and developed this site to provide answers and support for people diagnosed with mesothelioma, as well as their families and loved ones. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that is caused by exposure to asbestos and has long been considered a mystery and incurable. However, over the past two decades, physicians, scientists and researchers have begun to unravel this mystery and help people diagnose mesothelioma in its earlier stages, while providing more extensive forms of treatment, vast resources, and general information to make coping and survival more about optimism rather than uncertainty.

Get the Big Picture

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View our Mesothelioma Infograph that shows you what symptoms to be aware of

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Mesothelioma Symptoms

diagnosePreviously, diagnosing mesothelioma in its early stages had been a difficult, almost impossible task, because the early symptoms of this disease resemble those of similiar diseases and sometimes even basic illnesses. The severity of mesothelioma is defined by four stages, with prognosis becoming bleaker as each stage progresses, so the discovery of symptoms in the first two stages is essential for ensuring a greater mesothelioma life expectancy. Additionally, the difficulty in diagnosing mesothelioma is caused by a large latency period, meaning that it can take decades between the initial exposure to asbestos and development of symptoms However, if you or a loved one has been exposed to asbestos and experiences initial symptoms such as chest pain, violent coughing, and fatigue, it is essential that you consult with a physician immediately.

Veterans and Mesothelioma

During the better part of the 20th century, the United States Armed Forces used asbestos in the production of many types of ships, buildings and vehicles, thus exposing countless soldiers and workers to this terrible mineral. At its peak, asbestos was used predominantly in factories during world war II and many U.S. veterans suffered from mesothelioma as a result, because the harmful effects of asbestos were not known until decades later. Even now, as asbestos use and production has declined significantly, many veterans could still be afflicted, unaware of the early symptoms of mesothelioma.

The Mesothelioma Resource Online offers a comprehensive list of American naval vessels and military ships that were produced using asbestos, as well as a state-by-state directory of Veterans Affairs center and hospitals to assist service men and women who are suffering from mesothelioma.


diagnoseBecause of mesothelioma’s great latency period, treating mesothelioma is difficult, but there is hope in recent research and clinical trials. Current medical treatment options include chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, and most patients choose to undergo a combination of these processes in order to increase their life expectancy. But survivors of mesothelioma have shown that treatment goes beyond hospitals, and that prognosis can be better for patients through healthy dieting, regular exercise and a variety of alternative therapies. Additionally, experimental treatments are available to individual patients depending on their stage progression.


The prognosis for malignant mesothelioma is rarely favorable, which is why early diagnosis is so incredibly important. Yet as mentioned above, there are great strides being taken in the medical and scientific communities to ensure that life expectancy and survival rates continue to climb for patients as researchers continue to find a cure.

Legal Options

People suffering from mesothelioma have almost always been unknowingly exposed to asbestos either in the workplace or through the use of household items that contain the hazardous mineral. After diagnosis, medical bills can be overwhelming and once prognosis is achieved a patient has his family to consider as well. There are legal options available for mesothelioma victims to help achieve just compensation.

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Wisconsin Lemon Law

Chapter 218, Subchapter I
Motor Vehicle Dealers
Repair, Replacement and Refund

Wisconsin Lemon Law 218.015 Repair, replacement and refund.

Under new motor vehicle warranties.

(1) In this section:

(a) "Collateral costs" means expenses incurred by a consumer in connection with the repair of a nonconformity, including the costs of obtaining alternative transportation.

(b) "Consumer" means any of the following:

1. The purchaser of a new motor vehicle, if the motor vehicle was purchased from a motor vehicle dealer for purposes other than resale.

2. A person to whom the motor vehicle is transferred for purposes other than resale, if the transfer occurs before the expiration of an express warranty applicable to the motor vehicle.

3. A person who may enforce the warranty.

4. A person who leases a motor vehicle from a motor vehicle lessor under a written lease.

(bd) "Demonstrator" means used primarily for the purpose of demonstration to the public.

(bg) "Early termination cost" means any expense or obligation a motor vehicle lessor incurs as a result of both the termination of a written lease before the termination date set forth in that lease and the return of a motor vehicle to a manufacturer under sub. (2)(b)3. "Early termination cost" includes a penalty for prepayment under a finance arrangement.

(bj) "Early termination savings" means any expense or obligation a motor vehicle lessor avoids as a result of both the termination of a written lease before the termination date set forth in that lease and the return of a motor vehicle to a manufacturer under sub. (2)(b)3. "Early termination savings" includes an interest charge the motor vehicle lessor would have paid to finance the motor vehicle or, if the motor vehicle lessor does not finance the motor vehicle, the difference between the total amount for which the lease obligates the consumer during the period of the lease term remaining after the early termination and the present value of that amount at the date of the early termination.

(bp) "Executive" means used primarily by an executive of a licensed manufacturer, distributor or dealer, and not used for demonstration to the public.

(c) "Manufacturer" means a manufacturer as defined in s. 218.01(1)(L) and agents of the manufacturer, including an importer, a distributor, factory branch, distributor branch and any warrantors of the manufacturer's motor vehicles, but not including a motor vehicle dealer.

(d) "Motor vehicle" means any motor driven vehicle required to be registered under ch. 341 or exempt from registration under s. 341.05(2), including a demonstrator or executive vehicle not titled or titled by a manufacturer or a motor vehicle dealer, which a consumer purchases or accepts transfer of in this state. "Motor vehicle" does not mean a moped, semi-trailer or trailer designed for use in combination with a truck or truck tractor.

(e) "Motor vehicle dealer" has the meaning given under s. 218.01(1)(n).

(em) "Motor vehicle lessor" means a person who holds title to a motor vehicle leased to a lessee, or who holds the lessor's rights, under a written lease.

(f) "Nonconformity" means a condition or defect which substantially impairs the use, value or safety of a motor vehicle, and is covered by an express warranty applicable to the motor vehicle or to a component of the motor vehicle, but does not include a condition or defect which is the result of abuse, neglect or unauthorized modification or alteration of the motor vehicle by a consumer.

(h) "Reasonable attempt to repair" means any of the following occurring within the term of an express warranty applicable to a new motor vehicle or within one year after first delivery of the motor vehicle to a consumer, whichever is sooner:

1. The same nonconformity with the warranty is subject to repair by the manufacturer, motor vehicle lessor or any of the manufacturer's authorized motor vehicle dealers at least 4 times and the nonconformity continues.

2. The motor vehicle is out of service for an aggregate of at least 30 days because of warranty nonconformities.


(a) If a new motor vehicle does not conform to an applicable express warranty and the consumer reports the nonconformity to the manufacturer, the motor vehicle lessor or any of the manufacturer's authorized motor vehicle dealers and makes the motor vehicle available for repair before the expiration of the warranty or one year after first delivery of the motor vehicle to a consumer, whichever is sooner, the nonconformity shall be repaired.


1. If after a reasonable attempt to repair the nonconformity is not repaired, the manufacturer shall carry out the requirement under subd. 2. or 3., whichever is appropriate.

2. At the direction of a consumer described under sub. (1)(b)1., 2. or 3., do one of the following:

a. Accept return of the motor vehicle and replace the motor vehicle with a comparable new motor vehicle and refund any collateral costs.

b. Accept return of the motor vehicle and refund to the consumer and to any holder of a perfected security interest in the consumer's motor vehicle, as their interest may appear, the full purchase price plus any sales tax, finance charge, amount paid by the consumer at the point of sale and collateral costs, less a reasonable allowance for use. Under this subdivision, a reasonable allowance for use may not exceed the amount obtained by multiplying the full purchase price of the motor vehicle by a fraction, the denominator of which is 100,000 or, for a motorcycle, 20,000, and the numerator of which is the number of miles the motor vehicle was driven before the consumer first reported the nonconformity to the motor vehicle dealer.


a. With respect to a consumer described in sub. (1)(b)4., accept return of the motor vehicle, refund to the motor vehicle lessor and to any holder of a perfected security interest in the motor vehicle, as their interest may appear, the current value of the written lease and refund to the consumer the amount the consumer paid under the written lease plus any sales tax and collateral costs, less a reasonable allowance for use.

b. Under this subdivision, the current value of the written lease equals the total amount for which that lease obligates the consumer during the period of the lease remaining after its early termination, plus the motor vehicle dealer's early termination costs and the value of the motor vehicle at the lease expiration date if the lease sets forth that value, less the motor vehicle lessor's early termination savings.

c. Under this subdivision, a reasonable allowance for use may not exceed the amount obtained by multiplying the total amount for which the written lease obligates the consumer by a fraction, the denominator of which is 100,000 and the numerator of which is the number of miles the consumer drove the motor vehicle before first reporting the nonconformity to the manufacturer, motor vehicle lessor or motor vehicle dealer.

(c) To receive a comparable new motor vehicle or a refund due under par. (b) 1. or 2., a consumer described under sub. (1)(b)1., 2. or 3. shall offer to the manufacturer of the motor vehicle having the nonconformity to transfer title of that motor vehicle to that manufacturer. No later than 30 days after that offer, the manufacturer shall provide the consumer with the comparable new motor vehicle or refund. When the manufacturer provides the new motor vehicle or refund, the consumer shall return the motor vehicle having the nonconformity to the manufacturer and provide the manufacturer with the certificate of title and all endorsements necessary to transfer title to the manufacturer.


1. To receive a refund due under par. (b)3., a consumer described under sub. (1)(b)4. shall offer to the manufacturer of the motor vehicle having the nonconformity to return that motor vehicle to that manufacturer. No later than 30 days after that offer, the manufacturer shall provide the refund to the consumer. When the manufacturer provides the refund, the consumer shall return the motor vehicle having the nonconformity to the manufacturer.

2. To receive a refund due under par. (b)3., a motor vehicle lessor shall offer to the manufacturer of the motor vehicle having the nonconformity to transfer title of that motor vehicle to that manufacturer. No later than 30 days after that offer, the manufacturer shall provide the refund to the motor vehicle lessor. When the manufacturer provides the refund, the motor vehicle lessor shall provide to the manufacturer the certificate of title and all endorsements necessary to transfer title to the manufacturer.

3. No person may enforce the lease against the consumer after the consumer receives a refund due under par. (b)3.

(d) No motor vehicle returned by a consumer or motor vehicle lessor in this state under par. (b), or by a consumer or motor vehicle lessor in another state under a similar law of that state, may be sold or leased again in this state unless full disclosure of the reasons for return is made to any prospective buyer or lessee.

(e) The department of revenue shall refund to the manufacturer any sales tax which the manufacturer refunded to the consumer under par. (b) if the manufacturer provides to the department of revenue a written request for a refund along with evidence that the sales tax was paid when the motor vehicle was purchased and that the manufacturer refunded the sales tax to the consumer. The department may not refund any sales tax under this paragraph if it has made a refund in connection with the same motor vehicle under par. (f).

(f) The department of revenue shall refund to a consumer described under sub. (1)(b)1., 2. or 3. all or part of the sales tax paid by the consumer on the purchase of a new motor vehicle, based on the amount of the refund of the purchase price of the motor vehicle actually received by the consumer, if all of the following apply:

1. The consumer returned the motor vehicle to its manufacturer and received a refund of all or part of the purchase price but not the corresponding amount of sales tax.

2. The consumer bought the new motor vehicle after November 2, 1983.

3. The consumer provides the department of revenue with a written request for a refund of the sales tax along with evidence that the consumer received a certain amount as a refund of the purchase price of the motor vehicle from the manufacturer, that the sales tax was paid when the motor vehicle was bought new and that the manufacturer did not refund the sales tax to the consumer.

4. The department of revenue has not made a refund under par. (e) in connection with the motor vehicle.

(3) If there is available to the consumer an informal dispute settlement procedure which is certified under sub. (4), the consumer may not bring an action under sub. (7) unless he or she first resorts to that procedure.


(a) The department of transportation shall adopt rules specifying the requirements with which each informal dispute settlement procedure shall comply. The rules shall require each person establishing an informal dispute settlement procedure to do all of the following:

1. Provide rights and procedures at least as favorable to the consumer as are required under 16 CFR Part 703, in effect on November 3, 1983.

2. If after a reasonable attempt to repair the nonconformity is not repaired, require the manufacturer to provide a remedy as set forth under sub. (2)(b).

(b) The department of transportation shall investigate each informal dispute settlement procedure provided in this state to determine whether it complies with the rules adopted under par. (a). The department shall certify each informal dispute settlement procedure which complies. The department may revoke certification if it determines that an informal dispute settlement procedure no longer complies with the rules promulgated under par. (a). Annually, the department shall publish a report evaluating the informal dispute settlement procedures provided in this state, stating whether those procedures are certified and stating the reasons for the failure of any procedure to obtain certification or for the revocation of any certification.

(c) Any person who establishes an informal dispute settlement procedure the certification of which is denied or revoked by the department of transportation may appeal that denial or revocation under ch. 227.

(d) Annually, any person who establishes an informal dispute settlement procedure shall file with the department of transportation a copy of the annual audit required under 16 CFR Part 703 or a substantially similar audit and any additional information the department requires in order to evaluate informal dispute settlement procedures.

(e) The department of transportation may consider whether a manufacturer obtains certification under this subsection in determining whether to issue a manufacturer's license to do business in this state.

(5) This section does not limit rights or remedies available to a consumer under any other law.

(6) Any waiver by a consumer of rights under this section is void.

(7) In addition to pursuing any other remedy, a consumer may bring an action to recover for any damages caused by a violation of this section. The court shall award a consumer who prevails in such an action twice the amount of any pecuniary loss, together with costs, disbursements and reasonable attorney fees, and any equitable relief the court determines appropriate.

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AS Imbau Negara-negara Lain Stop Beli Minyak Suriah

Washington - Amerika Serikat (AS) mengimbau negara-negara yang selama ini memasok minyak dan gas dari Suriah untuk menghentikan impornya. Hal itu sebagai upaya untuk menekan Presiden Suriah Bashar al-Assad agar mengakhiri kekerasan terhadap demonstran.

Sebelumnya, AS telah menyerukan agar Bashar al-Assad mengundurkan diri dari tampuk kekuasaan. Sebab, korban jiwa terus berjatuhan akibat operasi yang dilancarkan pasukan Suriah.

Dalam jumpa pers bersama Menteri Luar Negeri Norwegia Jonas Gahr Store di Washington, Menteri Luar Negeri AS Hillary Clinton mengatakan, sanksi di bidang energi merupakan tekanan yang efektif untuk Suriah.

"Kami mendesak negara-negara yang masih membeli minyak dan gas dari Suriah, negara-negara yang masih mengirim senjata kepada Assad, negara-negara yang memberi dukungan politik dan ekonomi terhadap dirinya (Assad), untuk menempatkan diri di sisi kanan sejarah," kata Hillary seperti dikutip dari reuters, Jumat (12/8/2011).

"Presiden Assad telah kehilangan legitimasi untuk memimpin dan jelas bahwa Suriah akan lebih baik tanpa dia," Hillary menambahkan.

Aktivis antipemerintah menyatakan, sedikitnya 16 orang tewas oleh tentara pada Kamis (11/8), kemarin. Hingga kini, lebih dari 1.700 orang tewas dan ribuan orang dilaporkan ditahan sejak protes terhadap pemerintah Assad terjadi mulai Maret lalu.

Sebaliknya, Suriah menuduh milisi sipil lah yang bertanggung jawab terhadap rangkaian kekerasan tersebut. Militer Suriah mengklaim setidaknya 500 personel tentara dan polisi telah menjadi korban.

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Biaya Pemulangan Nazaruddin Terlalu Mahal

M Nazaruddin dipulangkan ke Tanah Air mengggunakan pesawat carter dengan penawaran harga Rp 4 miliar. Wakil Ketua DPR bidang Polkam Priyo Budi Santoso menilai anggaran pemulangan Nazaruddin ini masih terlalu mahal.

"Mungkin dari segi kemananan VVIP jadi memang perlu dengan pesawat carter. Namun jangan dengan harga Rp 4 miliar itu masih terlalu mahal, kami minta agar harganya bisa dicari atau ditawar supaya lebih murah," saran Priyo.

Hal ini disampaikan Priyo menanggapi biaya pemulangan Nazaruddin,kepada detikcom, Jumat (12/8/2011).

Priyo memahami pemulangan Nazaruddin memang perlu dilakukan dengan standar pengamanan ketat. Ia yakin pemerintah tetap dapat menjaga keamanan Nazaruddin meski dengan biaya yang lebih murah.

"Kami bisa mengerti ini temuan yang amat penting. Tapi kita bisa lebih murah seharusnya, karena itu kita sarankan agar pesawat carter yang lebih murah," tutur Ketua DPP Golkar ini.

Ia pun berharap Nazaruddin dapat segera diterbangkan ke Indonesia. Sehingga dapat segera memenuhi pemeriksaan KPK terkait sejumlah kasus yang melilitnya.

"Saya yakin pemerintah sudah tahu bagaimana mekanisme pemulangannya secara aman," tandasnya.

Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

70 Klub Sudah Serahkan Surat Kesanggupan Ikuti Kompetisi

Saat ini setidaknya sudah ada 70 klub yang mengirimkan surat kesanggupannya ke PSSI, guna mengikuti kompetisi profesional Liga Indonesia untuk musim depan.

Hal itu tercatat dalam rilis media PSSI yang diterima detikSport sampai dengan pukul 23.59 WIB, Rabu (10/8/2011), tanggal yang dicanangkan menjadi batas akhir pendaftaran kesiapan klub.

Jumlah tersebut meningkat jauh setelah sebelumnya, Selasa (9/8/2011), baru ada satu surat pernyataan kesanggupan yang diterima PSSI, yakni dari Sriwijaya.

Klub yang Sudah Menyatakan Kesanggupan:

1. Sriwijaya FC
2. PS Bengkulu
3. Persita Tangerang
4. Batavia Union
5. Persija Jakarta
6. Persitara
7. Jakarta FC
8. Persib Bandung
9. Pelita Jaya
10. Persikabo kab. Bogor
11. Persikab kab. Bandung
12. Bandung FC
13. Bogor Raya FC
14. PSGL Gayo Luwes
15. PSMS Medan
16. Persiba Bantul
17. PSIM Yogyakarta
18. PSS Sleman
19. Real Mataram
20. Persijap Jepara
21. PSIS Semarang
22. PSCS Cilacap
23. Persip Pekalongan
24. Persis Solo
25. Semarang United
26. Solo FC
27. Deltras Sidoarjo
28. Arema Malang
29. Persela Lamongan
30. Persik Kediri
31. PSBI Blitar
32. Madiun Putra FC
33. PSBK Blitar
34. Persema Malang
35. Persebaya 1927
36. Bali Devata
37. Barito Putra
38. Persiba Balikpapan
39. Mitra Kukar
40. Persisam Putra Samarinda
41. Persemalra Langgur
42. Perseman Manokwari
43. Persipura Jayapura
44. Persidafon Dafonsoro
45. Persiwa Wamena
46. Cenderawasih Papua
47. Bontang FC
48. Tangerang Wolves
49. Persiraja Banda Aceh
50. PSAP Sigli
51. Aceh United
52. Pro Titan FC
53. Bintang Medan
54. Medan Chief
55. Semen Padang
56. PSPS Pekanbaru
57. Persiku Kudus
58. Gresik United
59. Persipro Probolinggo
60. Persepam Pamekasan
61. Persewangi Banyuwangi
62. Persid Jember
63. Persebaya Surabaya
64. Persibo Bojonegoro
65. KSB Sumbawa Barat
66. Persepar Palangkaraya
67. PSBS Biak
68. PSM Makassar
69. Minangkabau FC
70. Persikota

Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

Rusdy Bahalwan Meninggal Dunia

Dunia sepakbola Indonesia ditinggal salah satu figurnya. Rusdy Bahalwan, mantan pemain dan pelatih Persebaya yang juga pernah menukangi timnas Indonesia, baru saja meninggal dunia.

Kabar yang diterima dari pihak keluarga, almarhum tutup usia, Minggu (7/8/2011) malam WIB di rumah keluarga di daerah Jl. Rungkut Mejoyo Gg I No.38. Ia akan dimakamkan, Senin (8/8/2011) sore WIB.

"Bapak meninggal pukul 22.30 WIB dan akan dimakamkan setelah salat Ashar di makam keluarga TPU Pegirian. Selain itu, mas, saya juga meminta maaf jika bapak selama ini mempunyai salah," ujar istri almarhum, Ramadhani, dengan sesenggukan saat dihubungi detikSport.

Lahir di Surabaya, 7 Juni 1947, Rusdi menamatkan sekolah di SMAN 6 Surabaya pada tahun 1966. Ia kemudian diterima di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Airlangga pada tahun 1967. Anak pasangan Ali Bahalwan-Rugaiyah Baadillah itu tak lama mengenyam bangku kuliah karena panggilan hatinya lebih ke sepakbola.

Sempat cukup dikenal lewat aksinya sebagai pemain sepakbola, puncak karir Rusdy boleh jadi adalah saat membawa timnas Indonesia ke peringkat tiga Piala Tiger 1998. Di arena kepelatihan, namanya memang cukup disegani karena juga mampu membawa Persebaya menjuarai Liga Indonesia 1996/1997.

Di luar lapangan, Rusdy dikenal sebagai sosok yang religius. Ayah dari Irfan Bahalwan, Khaira Imadina Bahalwan dan Ikhwannurdin Bahalwan lewat pernikahannya dengan Ramadhani tersebut, dikenal sering memberikan suntikan rohani bagi para pemain binaannya.

Rusdy menderita sakit yang lumayan parah sejak sekitar 2004. Setelah diserang stroke, ia juga mengidap penyakit komplikasi dan degeneratif yang membuat aktivitasnya jadi sangat terbatas. Ia masih terus berjuang melawan sakitnya itu sampai akhirnya kini berpulang ke Yang Maha Kuasa.

Lady Gaga Tewas

Penyanyi kontroversial Lady Gaga diberitakan telah meninggal. Sontak, para penggemar di dunia maya pun terkejut. Berita mengenai kematian Lady Gaga ini tersiar melalui jejaring sosial Facebook, belum lama ini.

Dikutip laman Contactmusic.com Sabtu (6/8) silam, Lady Gaga ternyata menjadi korban penipuan dari situs jejaring sosial tersebut. Dengan pesan palsu berisikan "Lady Gaga ditemukan tewas di sebuah kamar hotel." Kemudian disusul dengan janji tampilan video Amy Winehouse beberapa saat sebelum kematiannya.

Menurut MSNBC, agen keamanan Sophos mencoba mengingatkan orang-orang dengan penipuan semacam ini dan meluncurkan pernyataan "Jika anda tertipu untuk mengklik link, anda akan dibawa (melalui website yang sembarangan memungkinkan terbuka redirect) ke halaman web yang berpura-pura mengandung report. meskipun sebenarnya hal ini adalah tipu daya saja, tak ada laporan atau video lebih lanjut mengenai hal ini"

Faktanya, Lady Gaga masih hidup dan terus menuai kontroversi dalam hidupnya. Kontroversi terakhirnya baru-baru ini adalah anggapan dirinya menjiplak lagu milik Rebecca Francescatti

Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011

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Andik Vermansyah

Walaupun saat ini masih berkutat dengan cedera engkel, yang membuatnya tidak bisa ikut seleksi 26 sampai 30 Juli lalu di Batu, Andik menyatakan kondisinya sudah lebih baik.

"Sekarang sudah agak lumayan. Saya sudah bisa jogging," ungkap Andik, tentang cedera yang didapatnya saat membela Persebaya 1927 pada turnamen Battle of the Fantastic Four beberapa waktu lalu, sepeti dikutip situs resmi Liga Premier Indonesia (LPI).

"Saat ini saya masih harus terapi dua kali sekali di rumah sakit Husada Utama. Kalau cedera engkel saya sudah sembuh, insya Allah saya bisa bersaing untuk masuk timnas U23," jelas Andik.

Aji Santoso, asisten pelatih Timnas U23 yang juga pelatih Andik di Persebaya 1927, yakin pemain binaannya itu segera pulih. Menurut Aji, sebuah kerugian besar bila pemain yang ikut mengantarkan Jatim merebut emas sepakbola PON 2008 itu tidak diakomodasi ke timnas."Andik memiliki skill bagus sebagai seorang gelandang. Dia juga mempunyai finishing touch yang bagus,” puji Aji Santoso

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